Posts Tagged ‘Girlz’

Question by twilightfan823: What is wrong with me? Girlz help!!!!!!!?
So I masturbated with an electric tooth brush. ( I run not stick it in) and now the top of the crack ( in the front)/ below the hair line, it stings when I stretch it or put water on it. It sometimes hurts when I touch it. I'm guessing that I scrapped off some skin while masturbating.

What is happening? What can I do to heal it?

P.S: Don't me to do to the doctors or ask my mom. Because I DO NOT WANT TO TELL THEM I MASTURBATE.

PLZ Help!!!!
Remember I said I rub, not stick it in
I am also only 12, so I think the doctor may tell me parents. Then I will get so grounded. Don't judge me for doing so.

Best answer:

Answer by calmb4thestorm
you're just bruised up a little it should go away in a few days.

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